What will you invest into?
I want to be apart of a company & team that I trust and believe in.
I want freedom.
I want a mobile business.
I don't want to be stuck in 1 location, even though being a home body can be relaxing and nice.
We all want freedom.
It's like an animal thats forced to live their life in a cage. I relate that to someone living in 1 location.
Like myself, people want to breath the fresh air, travel, have a place to call home, and not have to worry about where the monthly check is coming from, all in 1 sentence.
I want to connect with customers online.
Trying to get your friends and family to join your business is gone forever!!!!
It's all about branding yourself and connecting with new people.
It's your reputation that counts and what you believe in.
Who doesn't want to have an apartment less then 1 mile from the beach, and to be able to choose what kind of car you are going to drive. A fun car, not just a reliable car, but something you truly love and want to own. Ok so its not all about the beach all the time. But I'd say its better then 95% of most places. Yes that quiet lake cabin or mountain cabin is nice too. That's why having the freedom to travel is nice. But don't forget that small season called winter. Yes, its cold, very cold! That's why I say again that traveling back to paradise, where you came from, is going to be what you will do...(in your heart and mind, or reality as well?) Just like geese, you know you want that life too!! It's all about ownership and freedom. Yes 2 locations, 2 places to own, and only what you want to do, with no extra baggage! LIFE IS ONLY WHAT YOU WANT!!!
It does take a small season, once you get focused to allow that seed of your dream to grow. But it only grows the fastest when you apply that inner energy and excitement towards the seed. Which is focus. Then it all can happen.
I want to wake up on my own terms and decide when I go to the gym, on an empty stomach.
I want to do my shopping online, with no credit card worries and wait with excitement of when my shipments show up at my door.
Yes everything revolves around money, and yes this is the best time to be ALIVE!
I truly believe that it is a lot easier to become financially free, then were making it look. I think our own mindsets and attitudes get in the way.
I just never want to invest my time and energy into a company that is going to waste my time and burn me out.
I've seen too many people put so much work into making money in their promising fields, only to never have anything left from their efforts. No one wants to waste time. We all want our efforts to pay us back great dividends.
I want to use technology to build a great profitable business.
I hope I didn't leave out anything in this blog. If I did, I will add more to it.
The Secret has helped me so, so, so much!!
It has given me more opportunities and options, then what I could ever imagine.
I think adults forget how simple to keep life and to just go after a goal and succeed at it and keep life fun.
The Law Of Attraction can show so much of the life you want. It's unreal!
If you can't imagine or feel what is truly possible everyday of your life, then imagine taking off on a road trip with a few grand on you in the car of your choice, and your plan is to visit the friends you want to see, on your own schedule. It's similar to having butterfly's in your stomach, joy, zealousness. Well that's what living the life of your dreams feels like everyday! It's a feeling that never goes away. It's not just a 5 day vacation somewhere, then back to reality, NO, none of that! Now are you seeing it?! Ya!! :)
So my question to you is, what will you invest into?
How important to you is it that you feel good?
How important to you is it that others feel as good as you?
It doesn't take an adult to make a good income, it takes a kid to make a good income.
The way adults are suppose to live, is just a fallacy.
All we have is here and now.
Don't lose the kid in you, so make the right decisions!
There are plenty of adults living the kid lifestyle.
Keep your vision strong and decide where you will invest your time.
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