"If it's not fun, why do it? -- Ben and Jerry
In this teaching we call Religious Science or New Thought, we spend a lot of time on very serious business like goals, dreams, forgiveness, our relationship with Spirit, etc. And all that is important. But I believe that sometimes we postpone our experience of joy and happiness until....
As soon as I reach that goal, as soon as that whatever manifests for me, as soon as.... We stay focused on our goal (someone said our "eyes on the prize"), which is good. But when we do, there is the possibility that we are missing out on the happiness of the moment.
We are mature and responsible and orderly and serious. Breakfast food is for breakfast. You don't wear blue and green together.
But what if we stirred it up a little and broke some rules? What happens when we do that? More often than not, it makes us smile.
Just about everyone I know has a storage compartment someplace. Or two or three. And if not, their garage looks like an Oklahoma windstorm went through. We have all the stuff, so why aren't we happy?
Maybe because we don't allow ourselves to be.
The wonderful book Happiness Is A Choice by Barry Neil Kaufman, which a dear friend reminded me of, offers "shortcuts to happiness," including:
Make happiness a priority. In our interactions in the world, we can choose whether to react or respond. Or even just smile. A Course in Miracles reminds us that "I can be right, or I can be happy." Sometimes we get both, but when we don't, which is more important?
Personal authenticity and integrity. We all have things that we do differently from anyone else. It is part of what makes us, us. Honor and celebrate the unique and wonderful being you are!
Let go of judgments. See point number 1.
Be present. As I write this, the house is quiet and there is a Golden Retriever lying across my left foot. The wind is rustling in the trees outside, and I hear an airplane and traffic in the distance. Thoughts of past and future keep us from the lusciousness of the moment.
Be grateful. Everyone and everything brings us a blessing. Without exception.
The Universe works on ease and grace and joy and wonder and passion. Ever seen an aardvark? Not only a rather unattractive creature, but the name starts with two a's. How much fun is that?
Hmmm. How about a waffle for dinner, with a lemon drop martini to wash it down? Think of all that lovely vitamin C in the lemons...
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