Dear Tyler ,
Senator Rand Paul’s detainment by the TSA yesterday is just more proof this country desperately needs a new direction.
For years, the statists have told us that if we’d just hand over a little more of our God-given freedoms to government, everything will be ok.
Now, TSA government goons unleash their assaults on human dignity on everyone from 90-year-old grandmothers to five-year-old little boys.
At the same time, the ticking time bomb that is our massive $15 TRILLION national debt threatens to wipe out every last shred of freedom that should be our birthright as American citizens!
Tyler , Ron Paul’s End the TSA Money Bomb is only a few hours from ending. So please make a generous contribution to this critical Money Bomb IMMEDIATELY.
You see, I want to put an end to all of this madness NOW.
The good news is, Ron Paul has pledged to turn the lights off at the TSA for good as President of the United States.
But it’s not just the TSA.
The TSA is only a symbol of our fragile republic crumbling right before our eyes as respect for human dignity and individual liberty is continually CRUSHED by out-of-control government.
The only way to stop the statists who would send our country nose-diving off a cliff is to WIN.
That’s what Dr. Paul is in this race to do.
The good news is, Dr. Paul’s campaign has proven it can hang with the “big boys,” as we continually give them a run for their money in EVERY state - racking up delegates all the way.
But two more critical state contests are right around the corner.
Florida is next Tuesday, then Nevada just a few days later.
Every dollar you can contribute translates into more mail and email, more internet, radio, and TV ads, more campaign stops for Dr. Paul . . .
. . . and hopefully, more votes!
But as you know, this isn’t just a campaign. It’s a R3VOLUTION.
It’s a R3VOLUTION led by grassroots warriors like you who are willing to stand up and state unequivocally that assaults on our freedom will not be tolerated.
And with your help, this R3VOLUTION will go all the way to the White House.
So please make a generous contribution to this critical Money Bomb IMMEDIATELY.
For Liberty,
John Tate
Campaign Manager
P.S. Senator Rand Paul’s detainment by the out-of-control TSA only proves this country desperately needs a new direction.
That’s why I’m counting on you to help Ron Paul change course in America by making a generous contribution to our End the TSA Money Bomb.
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