Dear Tyler ,
After historic finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, our campaign quadrupled its amount of support from 2008 in South Carolina!
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard in the Palmetto State to spread our message and help continue our momentum! I’m grateful for the countless hours you put in to recruit more voters to our cause.
Only a little over one percent of the delegates have been awarded, and although Newt Gingrich prevailed last night, there is only one candidate in this race who has the organization, the resources, and the volunteers to compete nationwide with establishment candidate Mitt Romney – and only one candidate whose name will appear on every ballot with Mitt Romney’s.
You see, at the very beginning of our campaign, I worked with my staff to create a strategy that would keep us in for the long haul.
The race for the Republican nomination will be a marathon, not a sprint, and we’re just getting started.
I hope you’ll help me further strengthen our organization in upcoming states by donating whatever you are able right away.
Florida is just around the corner, with caucuses in Nevada, Maine, Colorado, and Minnesota following right on its heels.
On March 6, hundreds of delegates will be up for grabs on Super Tuesday with elections in multiple states, including Virginia, where it’s a two-man race between me and Mitt Romney.
We’re primed to do very well in these contests. Staff and volunteers have been working around the clock in many of these states to deliver a victory, and I’m excited about what we can achieve.
With Newt’s win in South Carolina, the spotlight will be on his candidacy like never before.
So I believe it’ll become clearer than ever that neither he nor Mitt Romney have the conservative credentials needed to take on and defeat Barack Obama.
When voters examine the records of both leading establishment candidates, they’ll see a history of support for bailouts, massive spending, health care mandates, gun control, union boss power grabs, Cap-and-Trade, and more destructive policies.
If our Party wants to beat President Obama, it must choose a nominee who can provide a clear contrast to his administration.
As we head into a very busy month of campaigning, I’ll continue to stand strong for real change, like:
*** Cutting $1 trillion in spending during the first year of my presidency.
*** Eliminating five bloated, unconstitutional federal agencies and returning those powers to the states.
*** Balancing the federal budget in three years.
*** Securing our borders and getting serious about keeping this nation safe.
I’m counting on you to fight alongside me.
So please, donate whatever you are able right away to make sure we have every possible resource to win the Republican nomination.
Despite what the establishment media would have the American people believe, voters don’t have to settle for more of the same Big Government, big spending, status quo candidates.
Together, you and I can return this country to its founding principles of individual freedom, limited government, sound money, and personal responsibility.
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
P.S. After achieving historic results in Iowa and New Hampshire, our campaign quadrupled its total from 2008 in South Carolina last night!
Now, as we look ahead to several contests in the coming weeks, it’s more critical than ever that I know I can count on your support.
Only my campaign has the resources, the organization, and the volunteers to compete nationwide with establishment candidate Mitt Romney – and only my name will appear on each ballot along with Mitt Romney’s.
With the spotlight brighter than ever before on my both my leading establishment opponents, more voters will realize that their Big Government candidacies spell certain defeat against President Obama.
Please, help me reach millions more voters with the truth about my consistent conservative record, as well as our message of freedom and real change, with your most generous contribution today.
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