Judge Thomas Troward, one of the early New Thought writers, referred to the seven main attributes of God. The first one on his list was Light.
Jesus, one of the earliest New Thought teachers, said that "ye are the light of the world."
In 2011, we take light pretty much for granted, although many of us in San Diego County may not so much after that day a few months ago when we lost electricity. But consider the importance of light during Jesus' times. There was no Bethlehem Gas and Electric Company, no street lights and no switches to flip. As the sun was setting, one had to find candles or torches quickly, for fear of being left in the dark.
As we celebrate Christmas, in the rebirth of the Christ consciousness within us, we are reminded that when we experience fear, regret, remorse or feelings of separation, it is the light of Spirit, often through our intuition or the still small voice, that reminds us we never walk alone, and are always safe.
Light allows us to see the truth of the situation, and very often, the blessing.
Love and Light,
Rev. Jerry Troyer
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