Thursday, July 12, 2012

"All Things Are Possible"

it doesnt matter where you are. it doesnt matter where you have been. it doesnt matter where you live or who you are surrounded by, if u are meant to connect with someone or certain people, then it will just happen. they will appear in ur life and where u live and u will run into them literally. "what a coincidence". these things cannot be forced. when you hold the same vibration and chemistry as the other person, the connection will just be flawless. if u have the wrong people in ur life or not enough people, then consider changing ur vibration and tune it to the kind of people you want. tune it to the kind of person you want to be. you are like a radio station. there are millions of stations. each person is on a frequency, a station. you have to find ur station and stay there while becoming a better person, overcoming weaknesses, and knowing that all things are possible. And before you know it, people will appear in ur life that are on the same station as you. Being surrounded by a group of people in a large city means absolutely nothing. its the frequency you are on and how u are connecting with others that are on that same channel frequency as you. :) And yes, "All Things Are Possible" :)

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